梁韵嘉 教授 Yun-Chia Liang Ph.D., Professor 辦公室(OFFICE) : 2511R |
學 歷 (Education) |
2001 美國奧本大學工業與系統工程博士 (Ph.D., Department of Industrial & Systems
Engineering, 1999 美國匹茲堡大學工業工程碩士 (M.S., Department of Industrial Engineering, 1996 美國卡內基美隆大學機械工程碩士 (M.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1992 大同工學院機械工程學士 (B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Tatung Institute of Technology) |
經 歷 (Work Experience) |
2024.12-present國科會工業工程與管理學門大數據分析與資訊系統子學門規劃委員 (Planning Committee, Big Data Analytics and
Information System Division, Industrial Engineering and Management Program,
NSTC) 2024.11-present 中國工業工程學會第二十三屆常務理事(Executive Director, Chinese Institute of
Industrial Engineers) 2024.1-present Editorial
Board, Journal of Algorithms 2022.8-present Area
Editor, International Journal of Operations Research 2022.2-present 元智大學全球事務處國際長 (Chief,
Global Affairs Office, Yuan Ze University) 2023.12-present 台灣作業研究學會第十一屆常務理事 (Executive
Director, Operations Research Society of Taiwan) 2021.12-2023.12 台灣作業研究學會第十屆常務理事 (Executive
Director, Operations Research Society of Taiwan) 2021.1-present Guest Editor, Journal of Algorithm special
issue “Metaheuristic Algorithms in
Optimization and Applications (volume 3)” 2021.1-present 中國工程師學會 獎學金評選小組 委員 (Evaluation Committee, Student Scholarship,
Chinese Institute of Engineers) 2020.8-2022.7 科技部工業工程學門生產系統與智慧製造子學門規劃委員 (Planning Committee, Production System and
Smart Manufacturing Division, Industrial Engineering and Management Program,
MOST) 2019.12-2021.12 台灣作業研究學會第九屆理事 (Director,
Operations Research Society of Taiwan) 2018.9-present 智慧生產與創新管理研究中心副主任 (Deputy
Director, Smart Production and Innovation Management Research Center) 2018.9-present Associate Editor, Journal of Industrial
and Production Engineering 2018.1-present 科技部工業工程學門複審委員 (Review
Committee, Industrial Engineering and Management Program, MOST) 2017.2-present Associate Editor, Swarm Intelligence and
Numerical Methods 2016.8-2022.1 元智大學工業工程與管理學系系主任/所長 (Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering
& Management, Yuan Ze University) 2013.2-present 元智大學工業工程與管理系教授 (Professor,
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Yuan Ze University) 2018.9-2019.8 Guest Editor, Journal of Algorithm
special issue “Metaheuristic Algorithms in
Optimization and Applications (volume 2)” 2017.12-2019.12 台灣作業研究學會第八屆理事 (Director,
Operations Research Society of Taiwan) 2017.1-2019.12 科技部工業工程學門作業研究子學門規劃委員 (Planning Committee, Operations Research Division, Industrial
Engineering and Management Program, MOST) 2016.2-2018.1 Evolutionary Computation Technical
Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society 2016.2-2017.1 Guest Editor, Journal of Algorithm
special issue “Metaheuristic Algorithms in
Optimization and Applications (volume 1)” 2016.1-2016.12 科技部工業工程學門資訊系統子學門規劃委員 (Planning Committee, Information System Division, Industrial
Engineering and Management Program, MOST) 2016.3-2016.7 元智大學國際暨兩岸事務室主任 (Director,
Office of International Affairs, Yuan Ze University) 2013.8-2016.2 元智大學招生入學組組長 (Director,
Admission Section, Office of Academic Affairs, Yuan Ze University) 2006.8-2013.1 元智大學工業工程與管理系副教授 (Associate
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Yuan Ze
University) 2005-2011
工業工程學刊編輯委員 (Associate
Editor, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers) 2002.2-2006.7 元智大學工業工程與管理系助理教授 (Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial
Engineering & Management, Yuan Ze University) 1999-2001 美國奧本大學工業與系統工程系教學及研究助理 (T.A. & R.A., Department of Industrial
& Systems Engineering, Auburn University) 1997-1999 美國匹茲堡大學工業工程系教學及研究助理 (T.A.
& R.A., Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh) 1994-1995 大同工學院機械工程系助教 (Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Tatung Institute of Technology) |
研 究 興 趣(Research Interest) |
組合最佳化 (Combinatorial Optimization)、萬用啟發式演算法 (Meta-Heuristic)、類神經網路應用 (Neural Network Applications)、生產排程 (Production Scheduling)、供應鏈管理 (Supply Chain Management) |
教 授 課 程 (Lectures) |
IE 109 微積分 I (Calculus I) IE 110 微積分 II (Calculus II) IE 114 工程圖學 (Engineering Graphics) IE 303 作業研究 I (Operations
Research I) IE 329 作業研究 II
(Operations Research II) IE 422 科技報告演練 (Technical Writing and Oral Presentation) IE 507 數學規劃 I (Mathematical Programming I) IE 585 類神經網路 (Neural Networks) IE 607 啟發式最佳化 (Heuristic Optimization) |
& Projects |
A. 期刊論文 (Journal Papers) 1. Tryantomo Lokhilmahful Palgunadi, Rina
Fitriana*, Anik Nur Habyba, Yun-Chia
Liang, “Optimizing Demand Forecasting Method with Support Vector Regression
for Improved Inventory Planning,” Journal
Optimasi Sistem Industri, vol. 23,
no. 2, January 2025, pp. 149-166. (Scopus) 2. Yaping Fu, Kaizhou
Gao*, Ling Wang, Min Huang, Yun-Chia Liang, and Hongyu Dong,
“Scheduling Stochastic Distributed Flexible Job Shops Using an
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Simulation Evaluation,” International Journal of Production
Research, vol. 63, no. 1, January 2025, pp. 86-103. (SCI, EI) 3. Christine Natalia*, Sebastian Gunawan, Yun-Chia Liang, Andre Sugioko,
Wawan Tripiawan, Marcelinus Fredikson,
“Forecasting Methods Proposal and Implementation of Distribution
Requirement Planning Method to Overcome Unfulfilled Stock Availability at PT.
XYZ,” Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah
Rekayasa Dan Inovasi, vol. 7, no. 1, January 2025, pp. 21-28.
4. Yun-Chia Liang, Vanny Minanda, Aldy Gunawan, and Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen*, “Metaheuristics for Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with
Time Windows,” International Journal of Operational Research, vol. 51, no. 4,
December 2024, pp. 449-468. (Scopus) 5. Vanny Minanda, Yun-Chia Liang*, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and
Aldy Gunawan, “Applications of
an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems,” Energies,
vol. 2024, no. 17, July 2024, pp. 3716. (SCI, EI) 6. Resty Ayu Ramadhani,
Rina Fitriana*, Anik Nur Habyba, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“Enhancing Quality Control of Packaging Product: A Six Sigma and Data Mining
Approach,” Jurnal Optimasi Sistem
Industri, vol. 22, no. 2, December 2023, pp. 197-214. (Scopus) 7. Lina Gozali*,
Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, Togar
Mangihut Simatupang, Wahyudi
Sutopo, Aldy Gunawan, Yun-Chia Liang, Bernardo Nugroho Yahya, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Agustinus Purna Irawan, Yuli Suseno, and Ariawan Gunadi “The Importance Role of System Dynamics Investigation on Business Model, Industry and
Performance Management,” International
Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 73, no. 4, June
2023, pp. 945-980. (ESCI) 8. Wei-Chang Yeh*,
Yi-Ping Lin, Yun-Chia Liang,
Chyh-Ming Lai, and Xiao-Zhi Gao, “Simplified Swarm Optimization for the
Hyperparameters of Convolutional Neural Networks,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 177, February 2023,
109076. (SCI, EI) 9. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen*, Yun-Chia Liang*, Wan-Ju Chang,
Hsuan-Yuan Siauw, and Vanny Minanda, “RFM Model and K-Means Clustering Analysis of Transit Traveller
Profiles: A Case Study,” Journal of
Advanced Transportation, vol. 2022, August 2022, 1108105. (SCI) 10. Yun-Chia Liang*, Iven Wijaya, Ming-Tao Yang, Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, and
Hou-Tai Chang, “Deep Learning
for Infant Cry Recognition,” International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, special issue 2nd Edition of Big Data,
Decision Models, and Public Health, vol. 19, May 2022, 06311. (SCI) 11. Yun-Chia Liang*, Vanny Minanda, and Aldy Gunawan, “Waste Collection Routing Problem:
A Mini Review of Recent Heuristic Approaches and Applications,” Waste
Management and Research, vol. 40, no. 5, April 2022, pp. 519-537. (SCI,
EI) 12. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang, and Jose David Padilla, “Dealing with Uncertainty in the MRCPSP/max
Using Differential Evolution and Entropy,” Applied Sciences, vol. 12,
March 2022, 3049. (SCI) 13. Ronald Sukwadi*, Samantha Cory, and Yun-Chia Liang, “The Study of Travel Satisfaction in
MRT Jakarta During the Pandemic of COVID-19,” GeoJournal of Tourism and
Geosites, vol. 40, no. 1, March 2022, pp. 191-199. (Scopus) 14. Ronald Sukwadi*, Angela Susanto, and
Yun-Chia Liang, “Airline Service Quality Evaluation
for Indonesian Low-Cost Carriers Based on Extenics Theory,” Archive
of Transport, vol. 58, June 2021, pp. 7-20. (Scopus) 15. Yun-Chia Liang*, Yen-Yu Lin, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Wei-Sheng Chen, “Variable Neighborhood Search for
Major League Baseball Scheduling Problem,” Sustainability, vol. 13,
April 2021, 4000. (SCI, SSCI) 16. Yun-Chia Liang*, Yona Maimury, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen*, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Machine Learning-Based Prediction
of Air Quality,” Applied Sciences, vol. 10, December 2020, 9151,
doi:10.3390/app10249151. (SCI) (MOST 106-2221-E-155-025, MOST
107-2221-E-155-043) 17. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “A Self-Adaptive Virus Optimization Algorithm for Continuous
Optimization Problems,” Soft Computing, vol. 24, September
2020, pp. 13147-13166. (SCI, EI, 2018
impact factor: 2.784) (NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) 18. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang,
and Jose David Padilla, “Production Scheduling Tools to Prevent and Repair
Disruptions in MRCPSP,” In S. Ao, H. K. Kim, O. Castillo, A. H. Chan and H.
Katagiri (eds.) Transactions on
Engineering Technologies: IMECS2017, Springer, pp. 57-70, 2018. 19. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen*, Yun-Chia Liang, and Jose
David Padilla, “A Practical
and Robust Execution Time-frame Procedure for the Multi-Mode
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Minimal and Maximal Time
Lags,” Algorithms, vol. 9, no. 4, September 2016, 63, doi:10.3390/a9040063. (SCI, EI) (MOST
103-2221-E-253-005, MOST 104-2221-E-253-002) 20. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “A Novel Meta-Heuristic for Continuous Optimization Problems: Virus Optimization Algorithm,” Engineering
Optimization, vol. 48, no. 1, January 2016, pp. 73-93. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 1.809)
(NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) 21. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen*, Yun-Chia Liang, and Jose
David Padilla, “An
Entropy-Based Upper Bound Methodology for Robust Predictive Multi-Mode RCPSP
Schedules,” Entropy, vol. 16, no.
9, September 2014, pp. 5032-5067. (SCI, 2018 impact factor:
2.419) (NSC102-2221-E-253-003) 22. Yun-Chia Liang* and
Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “A Normalization Method for Solving the
Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem with Meta-heuristic
Algorithms,” International Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, vol. 54,
January 2014, pp. 163-186. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 4.418)
(NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) 23. Yun-Chia Liang, Sadan Kulturel-Konak*, and Min-Hua Lo, “A
Multiple-Level Variable Neighborhood Search Approach to the Orienteering
Problem,” Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, vol. 30,
no. 4, June 2013, pp. 238-247. (TSSCI, EI) 24. Yun-Chia Liang*, and
Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Multilevel Image Thresholding Using
Relative Entropy and Meta-heuristic Algorithms,” Entropy, vol. 15, no.
6, June 2013, pp. 2181-2209. (SCI, 2018 impact factor: 2.419)
(NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) 25. Yun-Chia Liang* and Chia-Yin Chuang, “Variable Neighborhood
Search for Multi-Objective Resource Allocation Problems,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
vol. 29, no. 3, June 2013, pp. 73-78. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact
factor: 4.392) 26. Yun-Chia Liang*, Yu-Ming Hsiao, and
Chia-Yun Tien, “Metaheuristics for Drilling Operation Scheduling in Taiwan
PCB Industries,” International Journal
of Production Economics, vol. 141, no. 1, January 2013, pp. 189-198. (SCI,
EI, 2018 impact factor:
4.998) 27. Yun-Chia Liang* and Yueh-Chuan Yin, “A New Multilevel
Thresholding Approach based on the Ant Colony System and the EM Algorithm,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 9, no.
1, January 2013, pp. 319-337. (ESCI, EI) (NSC97-2221-E-155-043-MY2) 28. Vincent Chi-Wei Li, Yun-Chia
Liang*, You-Shan Chen, “A Scatter Search Method for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem with
Generalized Upper Bound Constraints,”
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, vol.
29, no. 8, December 2012, pp. 559-571. (TSSCI, EI) (NSC95-2221-E-259-022) 29. Vincent Chi-Wei Li, Yun-Chia
Liang*, Huan-Fu Chang, “Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problems with Generalized
Upper Bound Constraints by the Adaptive Memory Projection Method,” Computers and Operations
Research, vol. 39, no. 9, September 2012, pp. 2111-2121. (SCI, EI, 2018
impact factor: 3.002) (NSC96-2221-E-259-004) 30. Yun-Chia Liang, Zu-Hsu Lee*, and Yu-Sheng Chen, “A
Novel Ant Colony Optimization Approach for On-line Scheduling and Due Date
Determination,” Journal of Heuristics, vol. 18, no. 4, August
2012, pp. 571-591. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 1.392) (NSC99-2628-E-155-054) 31. Yun-Chia Liang* and Min-Hua Lo, “A Variable Neighborhood
Search Algorithm with Novel Archive Update Strategies for Redundancy
Allocation Problems,” Engineering
Optimization, vol. 44, no. 3, March
2012, pp. 289-303. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 1.809) 32. Yun-Chia Liang* and Nan Fang, “Supplier Productivity and
Quality Performance Evaluation in the TFT-LCD Industry,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, vol. 28, no. 6,
December 2011, pp. 787-802. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 0.561) 33. Yun-Chia Liang* and Yueh-Chuan Yin, “Optimal Multilevel
Thresholding Using a Hybrid Ant Colony System,” Journal of the Chinese
Institute of Industrial Engineers, vol. 28, no. 1, January 2011, pp.
20-33. (EI, TSSCI) (NSC96-2221-E-155-037) 34. Jun-Qing Li, Quan-Ke Pan, and Yun-Chia
Liang*, “An Effective Hybrid Tabu Search Algorithm for
Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling,” Computers and Industrial
Engineering, vol. 59, no. 4, November 2010, pp. 647-662. (SCI, EI, 2018
impact factor: 3.518) 35. Yun-Chia Liang* and Min-Hua Lo, “Multi-Objective Redundancy
Allocation Optimization Using a Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm,” Journal
of Heuristics, vol. 16, no. 3, June 2010, pp. 511-535. (SCI, EI,
2018 impact factor: 1.392) 36. Alice E. Smith*, David W. Coit, and Yun-Chia Liang, “Neural
Network Models to Anticipate Failures of Airport Ground Transportation
Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,
vol. 7, no. 1, January 2010, pp. 183-188. (SCI, EI, 2013 impact
factor: 2.162, category: automation & control systems, rank: 15/69) 37. Yun-Chia Liang* and Nan Fang “Performance Measurement of
TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan Using Extended Data Envelopment Analysis Models,” Journal
of Statistics & Management Systems, vol. 12, no. 6, November 2009, pp. 1099-1115. (EI) 38. M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, Quan-Ke Pan, and Yun-Chia Liang, “A Discrete
Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Single Machine Total Weighted
Tardiness Problem with Sequence Dependent Setup Times,” Computers and Operations
Research, vol. 36, no. 6, June 2009, pp. 1900-1915. (SCI, EI, 2018
impact factor: 3.002) 39. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for Permutation Flowshop
Scheduling Problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 55,
no. 4, November 2008, pp. 795-816. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor:
3.518) 40. Quak-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop
Scheduling Problem,” Computers and Operations Research, vol. 35, no.
9, September 2008, pp. 2807-2839. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 3.002) 41. Yun-Chia Liang*, Min-Hua Lo, and Yi-Ching Chen, “Variable
Neighborhood Search for Redundancy Allocation Problems,” IMA Journal of
Management Mathematics, vol.18, no. 2, April 2007, pp. 135-155. (SCI,
EI, 2018 impact factor: 1.125) (NSC 95-2221-E-155-046) 42. M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, Yun-Chia Liang, Mehmet Sevkli, and Gunes
Gencyilmaz, “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Makespan and Total
Flowtime Minimization in Permutation Flowshop Sequencing Problem,” European
Journal of Operational Research, vol. 177, no. 3, 2007, pp. 1930-1947. (SCI,
EI, 2018 impact factor: 3.806) 43. Yun-Chia Liang* and Yi-Ching Chen, “Redundancy Allocation of
Series-Parallel Systems Using a Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm,” Reliability
Engineering and System Safety, vol. 92, no. 3, 2007, pp. 323-331. (SCI,
EI, 2018 impact factor: 4.039) 44. M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, Yun-Chia Liang, Mehmet Sevkli, and Gunes Gencyilmaz,
“Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution for Single Machine
Total Weighted Tardiness Problem,” International Journal of Production
Research, vol. 44, no. 22, 2006, pp. 4737-4754. (SCI, EI, 2018
impact factor: 3.199) 45. Yun-Chia Liang*, Angela H.L. Chen, and Chiuh-Cheng Chyu,
“Application of a Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for the Multilevel
Thresholding in Image Processing,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 4233, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 1183-1192. (SCI-expanded, 2018
impact factor: 1.17) 46. Yun-Chia Liang* and Alice E. Smith, “An Ant Colony Approach to
the Orienteering Problem,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial
Engineers, vol. 23, no. 5, 2006, pp. 403-414. (EI, TSSCI) 47. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“Minimizing Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a Common Due Date on
a Single-Machine Using a Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,” Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4150, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 460-467.
(SCI-expanded, 2018 impact factor: 1.17) 48. Shu-Kai S. Fan*, Yun-Chia Liang, and Erwie Zahara, “A Genetic
Algorithm and a Particle Swarm Optimizer hybridized with Nelder-Mead Simplex
Search,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 50, no. 4, 2006,
pp. 401-425. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 3.518) (NSC
93-2213-E-155-009) 49. M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, Mehmet Sevkli, Yun-Chia Liang, and M. Mutlu
Yenisey, “Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution Algorithms
for Job Shop Scheduling Problem,” International Journal of Operations
Research, vol. 3, no. 2, 2006, pp. 120-135. 50. Yun-Chia Liang* and Chia-Chuan Wu, “A Variable Neighbourhood
Descent Algorithm for the Redundancy Allocation Problem,” Industrial
Engineering and Management Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, 2005, pp. 109-116. 51. M. Fatih Tasgetiren*, Mehmet Sevkli, Yun-Chia Liang, and Gunes
Gencyilmaz, “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Permutation Flowshop
Sequencing Problem,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3172,
Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 382-390. (SCI-expanded, 2018 impact factor:
1.17) 52. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith*, “An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Redundancy
Allocation Problem (RAP),” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 53,
no. 3, 2004, pp. 417-423. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 2.888) 53. Shu-Kai S. Fan*, Yun-Chia Liang, and Erwie Zahara, “A Hybrid
Simplex Search and Particle Swarm Optimization for the Global Optimization of
Multimodal Functions,” Engineering Optimization, vol. 36, no. 4, 2004,
pp. 401-418. (SCI, EI, 2018 impact factor: 1.809) 54. M. Fatih Tasgetiren* and Yun-Chia Liang, “A Binary Particle Swarm
Optimization Algorithm for Lot Sizing Problem,” Journal of Economic and
Social Research, vol. 5, no. 2, 2003, pp. 1-20. Manuscripts
Under Revision or Reviewing 1. Miwan Kurniawan
Hidayat, Dedy Sugiarto, Rina Fitriana*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“Business Intelligence System Model and Data Mining to Monitor Lecturers’
Scientific Publications,” submitted to TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing
Electronics and Control), January 2025, under the 2nd round revision. 2. Yusri
Eli Hotman Turnip, Dedy Sugiarto, Rina Fitriana*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“Business Intelligence for Measuring Global Systems for Mobile
Communication Provider Performance,” submitted to TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing
Electronics and Control), October 2024, under the 2nd round revision. 3. Ronald Sukwadi*,
Fransisca Tania, Yun-Chia Liang, and Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen,
“Factors Affecting Consumer Decision-Making for Cosmetic Products: A Hybrid
Model of ESCI and DEA,” submitted to Periodica
Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, August 2022, under the 1st
round review. (Scopus) 4. Miwan Kurniawan
Hidayat, Dedy Sugiarto, Rina Fitriana*, and Yun-Chia Liang,
“Business Intelligence for Sub-Districts Grouping Based on Internet Speed in Bekasi
City,” submitted to Journal of Intelligence
Studies in Business, June 2022, under the 1st round review. 5. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Xin Zhan, “Hydraulic System Fault Diagnosis Based on Machine Learning
Approaches and Hyperparameter Optimization,” submitted to Sensors, July
2023, under the 1st round review. (SCI, EI) Manuscripts Under Preparation 6. Yun-Chia Liang*, Xin Zhan, and Da-Yan Lin, “Virus Optimization Algorithm for
Hyperparameter Optimization – in the Case of Fault Diagnosis of the
Hydraulic System,” under preparation. 7. Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “A Discrete
Version of the Virus Optimization Algorithm (DVOA),” under preparation. 8. Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “Pareto-guided
Metaheuristics for Multi-Objective Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch
Problems,” under preparation. 9. Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “Solving
Stochastic Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems with
Metaheuristics and Pareto Uncertainty Index,” under preparation. 10. Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo
Cuevas Juarez, “Metaheuristics
for Curve Fitting Problems – in the Example of Stock Market Index,” under preparation. 11. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang, and Jose David Padilla, “What is Project Success? A Cross-Industry
Based Definition and How to Plan for it,” under preparation. B. 研討會論文 (Conference Proceedings & Presentations) 2024 1.
梁韵嘉*、陳香伶、劉鈺琳,“運用AHP與TOPSIS於公務用電動車評選”, 2024中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十三年十一月二十九-三十日,台北市,台北科技大學。 2. Ching-Jung Ting, Yun-Chia Liang, and Christine Natalia, “Systematic
Literature Review on Collaboration between Liner Shipping and Feeder Shipping
Network,” Proceedings of the
24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System
Conference (APIEMS
2024), November 10-14, 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 3. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang, and Sebastian Gunawan, “Northern Light
Optimization Algorithm (NLOA): A Novel Physics-Inspired Metaheuristic
Algorithm,” Proceedings of the
24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System
Conference (APIEMS
2024), November 10-14, 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 4. Yun-Chia Liang, Vanny Minanda, Zi-Yi Wu, Wei Fu, Ming-Shu Chen, Hou-Tai Chang,
and Chih-Yung Hsu, “Internet of Things Based System for Optimizing Medical
Waste Management – A Case Study in Taiwan,” Proceedings of the 3rd Australian International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2024), September
24-26, 2024, Sydney, Australia. 5. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang, and Sebastian Gunawan, “Key Findings and
Analyses in Developing a Data-Driven Marketing Strategy,” Proceedings of the 3rd
Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations
Management (IEOM 2024),
September 24-26, 2024, Sydney, Australia. 6. Chih-Chun Fang and Yun-Chia Liang, “Optimizing Cooling Tower Efficiency
through Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms: A Real-Time
Control Strategy,” Proceedings of 2024 IEEE the 11th International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2024), April 17-19, 2024, Hiroshima,
Japan. 2023 7.
陳香伶*、梁韵嘉、戴淑賢、廖為澤、莊任平,“運用混合整數規劃探討電動車充電站設施選址研究”, 2023中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十二年十二月九日,台中市,逢甲大學。 8. Christine Natalia*, Ching-Jung Ting, Yun-Chia Liang, and Christoforus
Jason, “Route Evaluation and Ship-Scheduling on Container Shipping with
Linear Programming Method by Randomly Generated Routes Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems
(LOGMS 2023), September 4-7, 2023, Busan, Korea. 9. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Vanny Minanda, “Application of a Harmony
Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problem,” Proceedings
of the 11th International Conference on Logistics and
Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2023), September 4-7, 2023, Busan, Korea. 10. Dominico Laksma Paramestha, and Yun-Chia Liang*, “A
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in
Indonesia,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems
(LOGMS 2023), September 4-7, 2023, Busan, Korea. 11. Jiann-Shing Shieh*, Jerry Chen, Chi-Yuan Lee,
Chuan-Jun Su, Yun-Chia Liang,
and Tien-Lung Sun, “Autonomous
System with Cyber-Physical Integrating Features on Public Utility of Chemical
Fiber Factory,” Proceedings of the Human-Computer
Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023), July 23-28, 2023,
Copenhagen, Denmark. 2022 12.
梁韵嘉*、郭乃豪、陳香伶,“協同過濾與病毒最佳化演算法為基礎之推薦機制研究”,第十八屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十一年十二月九日,新竹市,陽明交通大學。 13.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶*、張家萱、張庭睿,“運用統計製程管制分析不同人機合作及委外模式之專案問題”, 2022中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十一年十一月十一日~十三日,金門縣,金門大學。 2021 14. 梁韵嘉*、陳泰宇、楊明道、Iven Wijaya、Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez、張厚台,“應用支援向量機於新生兒哭聲識別之研究”,第十七屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十年十二月十日,台中市,勤益科技大學。 15.
梁韵嘉*、陳宛妤、黃晧、陳香伶,“支援向量機於醫學資訊上之應用-以乳癌為例”, 第十七屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十年十二月十日,台中市,勤益科技大學。 16.
梁韵嘉*、詹侑諠、陳香伶,“病毒最佳化演算法於發電與輸電擴充計畫問題之研究”, 2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十年十一月二十日,台南市,成功大學。 17. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Jose Olegario Montoya, “Support Vector
Machine for Coffee Bean Classification,” 2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百一十年十一月二十日,台南市,成功大學。 18. Yun-Chia Liang*, and Xin Zhan, “Application of Machine
Learning Algorithm on the Multi-feature Multi-classification Problem – in the
Case of a Hydraulic System,” Proceedings of the 13th International
Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM 2021), July 28, 2021,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 19.
Lina Gozali, Irsandy Kurniawan, Aldo Salim, Iveline Anne Marie,
Benny Tjahjono, Yun-Chia Liang,
Aldy Gunawan, Novia Hardjo Sie, Yuliani Suseno, “Lean Manufacturing Approach
to Increase Packaging Efficiency,” Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Electrical Engineering (ICMIEE
2021), June 24, 2021, virtual conference. 2020 20.
Yun-Chia Liang*, Iven Wijaya, Ming-Tao Yang, Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, and
Hou-Tai Chang, “Deep Learning Approaches for Infant Cry Recognition,” 2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零九年十一月二十一日,雲林縣,雲林科技大學。 21. 陳香伶、梁韵嘉*、Vanny Minanda、張宛如,“台北市YouBike轉乘捷運行為之研究”,第十六屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百零九年十一月十三日,新竹市,清華大學。 22. 梁韵嘉*、劉瑞宸、陳香伶,“電腦模擬應用於產線績效評估之研究-以複合材料廠為例”,第十六屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百零九年十一月十三日,新竹市,清華大學。 23. 梁韵嘉*、陳香伶、龐佳慧,“資料包絡分析法於機械設備製造供應商績效評估之研究”,2020國際品質管理研討會論文集(ISQM2020),中華民國一百零九年十一月七日,高雄市,高雄大學。 2019 24.
Yun-Chia Liang, Vanny Minanda,
Aldy Gunawan, and Angela Hsiang-Ling
Chen, “Harmony Search Algorithm for Time-Dependent
Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,” Proceedings of the 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering
& Management System Conference (APIEMS 2019), December 2-5, 2019, Kanazawa, Japan. 25.
梁韵嘉、林延宥、陳香伶,“變動鄰域搜尋法於美國職棒大聯盟賽事排程之研究”,中國工業工程學會一百零八年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零八年十一月二十四日,台北市,台北科技大學。(最佳論文獎) 26. 吳政翰、梁韵嘉、陳育萱、彭昭揚、陳冠廷、林承儀、王品皓,“化纖廠整經作業排程規劃”,第十五屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百零八年十一月八日,桃園市,中央警察大學。 27. 梁韵嘉、勞齊均、陳香伶,“連續型蟻群最佳化演算法於曲線擬和之應用”,第十五屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百零八年十一月八日,桃園市,中央警察大學。 28.
Yun-Chia Liang*, Yona Maimury, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas
Juarez, “Calibration of IoT Sensors Using Machine Learning Approaches,” Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019),
October 4-6, 2019, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 29.
Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, Chih-Kung Tung, Yun-Chia Liang*, César
Beltrán Castañón, Christian E. Portugal
Zambrano, Yu-Chen Kung, and Long-Song Lin, “Data Augmentation of
Coffee Bean Images Using Deep Learning Techniques,” Proceedings of the 2019 International
Symposium on Industry3.5 and Intelligent Manufacturing (Industry3.5), September 25-27, 2019, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2018 30.
Yun-Chia Liang, Manuel Antonio
Mojic, and Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, “A
Hybrid Discrete Harmony Search Algorithm for Scheduling of Machines and
Automated Guided Vehicles in FMS Environment,” Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering
& Management System Conference (APIEMS 2018), December 5-8, 2018, Hong Kong. 31.
Yun-Chia Liang, Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, and Angela Hsiang-Ling
Chen, “Virus Optimization Algorithm for
Stochastic Combiner Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems,” Proceedings of the 19th Asia
Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2018), December
5-8, 2018, Hong Kong. 32. 梁韵嘉、陳香伶、陳慧芝,“應用病毒最佳化演算法求解旅遊規劃問題”,第十四屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會論文集,中華民國一百零七年十一月三十日,台中市,勤益科技大學,論文編號:OR010。 33.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、李培綱,“變動鄰域搜尋法於虛擬機器配置問題之探討”, Proceedings of the 7th Institute of
Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia 2018) joint with
2018 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2018), October 18-20, 2018, Taichung
City, Taiwan. 2017 34.
羅聿偉、胡黃德、梁韵嘉、林文祥,“應用和弦演算法於半導體晶圓廠之設施佈置問題”,中國工業工程學會一百零六年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零六年十二月十六日,高雄市,義守大學,第235-246頁。 35.
梁韵嘉、劉姵君、謝宗桓,“捷運轉乘最佳化之研究-以高雄捷運為例”,中國工業工程學會一百零六年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零六年十二月十六日,高雄市,義守大學,第1649-1654頁。 36. Yun-Chia Liang, Aldy Gunawan, Hui-Chih Chen, Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Solving Tourist Trip Design
Problems Using a Virus Optimization Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 2017 Multidisciplinary Scheduling
Conference (MISTA
2017), December 5-8, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 384-388(ID 47). 37. Yun-Chia Liang, Chih-Wen Yeh, and Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, “Tabu Search for Major League
Baseball Scheduling,” Proceedings of the
18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2017), December
3-6, 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, ID 285, pp. B5-7 - B5-12. 38. 梁韵嘉、劉定瑜、陳意蓁,“偏光板組合刀模裁切問題之研究”, 第十三屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零六年十月十四日,桃園市,元智大學,論文編號:051。(MOST105-2622-E-155-009-CC3) 39. 梁韵嘉、吳冠霖、楊淯翔,“應用競爭型族群最佳化演算法於刀模裁切計畫之研究”, 第十三屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零六年十月十四日,桃園市,元智大學,論文編號:052。 40.
Yun-Chia Liang, Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, and Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, “Pareto-Guided Metaheuristics for Multi-Objective Combined
Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems,” Proceedings of the 6th Institute of Industrial and
Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IIEAsia 2017), July 22-23, 2017, Nanjing, China, pp. 65-80. (MOST
104-2628-E-155-003-MY2) 41. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang,
and Jose David Padilla, “Using
Discrete Differential Evolution and Entropy to Solve the MRCPSP,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2017), June 5-8, 2017, San Sebastian, Spain, pp. 2437-2442. 42. 李如旭、陳香伶、梁韵嘉、王文宣,“應用資料包絡法於觸控面板生產流程績效評估之實證研究”,2017企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零六年五月十九日,新竹縣,中華大學,論文編號 0199。 43.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Jose David
Padilla, “An Experimental
Reactive Scheduling Framework for the Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project
Scheduling Problem,” Proceedings of the
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2017
(IMECS 2017), March 15-17, 2017, Hong Kong,
China, pp. 853-858. (MOST
103-2221-E-253-005) 2016 44. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang,
and Tsung-Yu Huang, “On Evaluation of NFC Technology in Hypermarkets
Using the DEMATEL-based Analytic Network Process,” Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering
& Management System Conference (APIEMS 2016), December 7-10, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, ID 306. 45. Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and René Josué Aparicio Monjarás, “Analysis
and Prediction of Patent Trajectory,”
Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering &
Management System Conference (APIEMS 2016), December 7-10, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, ID 480. 46.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Harmony Search and Virus Optimization Algorithm
for Multi-Objective Combined Economic Energy Dispatching Problems,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE
World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2016), July 24-29, 2016, Vancouver,
Canada, pp. 3947-2954. (NSC103-2221-E-155-060, MOST
104-2628-E-155-003-MY2) 2015 47.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、劉智忠,“工業電腦機殼組裝順序評估系統之研究”,中國工業工程學會一百零四年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零四年十二月十二日,台中市,勤益科技大學。 48.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、陳紹安,“應用模擬改善IC載板廠機械鑽孔製程之研究”,中國工業工程學會一百零四年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零四年十二月十二日,台中市,勤益科技大學。 49.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “A Discrete Version of the Virus Optimization
Algorithm (DVOA),” Proceedings of the
16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2015), December
8-11, 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 787-794 (ID 263). 50.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, Jason Zu-Hsu Lee, and
Chen-Shin Tsai, “Relationship Marketing, Service Quality, Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty – A Case Study on Taiwan’s Motel Industries,” Proceedings of the 16th Asia
Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2015), December 8-11,
2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 1326-1331 (ID 264). 51.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Jose David Padilla, “Developing a Practical Execution Time-frame for the
MRCPSP/max,” Proceedings of the
2015 International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering (ICNSE 2015), May 7-9, 2015, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 443-453. 2014 52.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、楊宜琴,“系統模擬於LED封裝廠可靠度實驗排程之應用”,中國工業工程學會一百零三年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零三年十二月六日,新北市,明志科技大學。 53.
Yun-Chia Liang, María José
Saavedra Madriz, Chi-Yi Chen,
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, “A Two-Phase Algorithm for the Sequential Vehicle
Routing Problem with Cross-Docking”,第十屆臺灣作業研究學會年會暨海運物流學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零三年十一月二十八日,基隆市,國立海洋大學,論文編號:086。 54.
Yun-Chia Liang, Angela
Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Yung-Hsiang Nien, “Artificial Bee Colony for Workflow Scheduling,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE
World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), July 6-11, 2014, Beijing,
China, pp. 558-564. 2013 55.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、余懿師,“運用資料包絡分析法評估生產系統績效-以TFT-LCD製造產業為例”,中國工業工程學會一百零二年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零二年十二月七日,屏東縣,屏東科技大學。 56.
Yueh-Chuan Yin, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “Application of
Continuous Ant Colony Optimization in Economic Dispatch Problems,” Proceedings of the 14th Asia
Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2013), December
3-6, 2013, Cebu, Philippine, ID 1094. 57.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Self-adaptive Virus Optimization Algorithm for
Continuous Optimization Problems,”
Proceedings of the 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering &
Management System Conference (APIEMS 2013), December 3-6, 2013, Cebu, Philippine, ID 1178. 58.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Jose David Padilla, “An Entropy and Artificial Bee Colony Approach for the
Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems,” Proceedings of the 14th Asia
Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2013), December
3-6, 2013, Cebu, Philippine, ID 1269. 59.
Yun-Chia Liang, Angela
Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Horacio Yamil Lovo Gutierrezmil, “On Reformulation of a Berth
Allocation Problem,” Proceedings of
the Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013 (IIEASIAN
2013), July 18-20, 2013, Taipei,
pp. 633-640. 60.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Chieh Chiang,
“Linking Individual Investors' Preferences to a Portfolio Optimization
Model,” Proceedings of the Institute
of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013 (IIEASIAN 2013), July 18-20, 2013, Taipei,
pp. 665-672. 61.
Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Chia-Chien Liu, “Portfolio Optimization Using Improved Artificial Bee Colony
Approach,” Proceedings of the 2013
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and
Economics (CIFEr), April 16-19, 2013, Singapore,
pp. 60-67. 2012 62. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Zu-Hsu Lee, and Yun-Chia Liang, “DEA for Performance Assessment on
Taiwan’s Biotech Companies,”
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Innovation
Services (2012 ICIS), December 20-21, 2012, Taoyuan
Innovation Institute of Technology, Taiwan. 63.
梁韵嘉、陳香伶、黃仕育,“自適應絕對收斂粒子群最佳化演算法”,中國工業工程學會一百零一年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百零一年十二月十五日,彰化縣,大葉大學,D323-330。 64.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Combined Economic
and Emission Dispatch Using Harmony Search and Genetic Algorithm,”
Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2012), December 10-13, 2012, Hong Kong,
China, pp. 488-492. 65.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Multilevel Image Thresholding Using Relative
Entropy and Virus Optimization Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence (WCCI 2012), June 10-15, 2012, Brisbane,
Australia, pp. 747-754. (NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) 66. Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, Yun-Chia Liang, and Chia-Chien Liu, “An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Cardinality-Constrained Portfolio Optimization Problems,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012), June 10-15, 2012, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 2902-2909. 2011 67. 梁韵嘉、李明傑、方楠,“運用資料包絡分析法評估生產系統績效-以GPS製造產業為例”,中國工業工程學會一百年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百年十二月十日,新竹縣,明新科技大學,論文編號:449。(獲得論文競賽優等) 68. 梁韵嘉、黃雅鈴、陳香伶,“電腦模擬於流程型工廠之應用-以光罩護膜前端製程為例”,中國工業工程學會一百年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國一百年十二月十日,新竹縣,明新科技大學,論文編號:450。 69.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Chia-Yun Tien, “Variable Neighborhood
Search for Drilling Operation Scheduling in PCB Industries,” Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, vol. 6838, Springer-Verlag, the 2011 Seventh
International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2011), August 11-14,
2011, Zhengzhou, China, pp. 55-62. 70.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Chia-Yin
Chuang, “An Effective Variable Neighborhood Search Approach for
Multi-Objective Resource Allocation Problems,” Proceedings of the 21th
International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
(FAIM 2011), June 26-29,
2011, Taichung, PS23. 71.
Yun-Chia Liang, and Josue Rodolfo Cuevas Juarez, “Virus Optimization Algorithm for Curve Fitting
Problems,” Proceedings of IIE Asian Conference 2011, June 10-12, 2011, Shanghai, China, pp.
163-175. 72. Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Yu-Ting
Chang, “Optimizing Portfolio Selection Using Harmony Search,”
Proceedings of IIE Asian Conference 2011, June 10-12, 2011, Shanghai,
China, pp. 444-451. 2010 73. 梁韵嘉、張明穎、羅敏華,“應用粒子群演算法於二階層供應鏈配銷問題之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國九十九年十二月二十五日,台南縣,南台科技大學,論文編號:415。 74.
梁韵嘉、張瑜庭、劉佳倩,“應用和弦演算法於投資組合最佳化問題之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 75. Min-Hua Lo, Yun-Chia Liang, and Jih-Chang Hsieh, “A Modified Variable
Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Orienteering Problems,” Proceedings of the
40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE40), July 25-28,
2010, Awaji Yumebutai, Hyogo, Japan, paper ID CIE239tw-1. 76. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Ponnuthurai
Nagaratnam Suganthan, and Yun-Chia Liang, “Solving
Lot-streaming Flow Shop Scheduling Problems Using a Discrete Harmony Search
Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence (WCCI 2010), July 18-23, 2010, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 4134-4139. 77. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Sel Ozcan, “A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for
the Single Machine Total Weighted Tarniness Problem with Sequence Dependent
Setup Times,” Proceedings of International Symposium o Innovations in
Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2010), June 21-24, 2010, Kayseri
& Cappadocia, Turkey, pp. 553-558. 2009 78.
Yun-Chia Liang, Yueh-Chuan Yin,
and Chi-Chun Lao, “An Application of Continuous Ant Colony
Optimization for Multi-level Thresholding,” Proceedings of the 10th Asia
Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2009), December
14-16, 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 2159-2165. (NSC97-2221-E-155-043-MY2) 79.
Josue Rodolfo Cuevas
Juarez, Hung-Jie Wang, Yi-Chieh Lai, and Yun-Chia Liang, “Virus Optimization Algorithm (VOA): A Novel
Metaheuristic for Solving Continuous Optimization Problems,”
Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System
Conference (APIEMS
2009), December 14-16, 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 2166-2174. 80.
Yun-Chia Liang, Chia-Yin Chuang,
and Min-Hua Lo, “Variable Neighborhood Search for Multi-Objective
Resource Allocation Problems,” Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific
Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2009), December
14-16, 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 2175-2179. 81.
Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Shu-Yu Lin, “Variable Neighborhood Search for Portfolio
Optimization Problems,” Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial
Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS 2009), December
14-16, 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 2180-2185. 82. Vincent C. Li, Yun-Chia Liang, and Huan-Fu Chang, “The Adaptive Memory Projection Method for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems with Generalized Upper Bound Constraints”,中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,中華民國九十八年十二月十二日,台中市,逢甲大學,論文編號:HU06。(NSC96-2221-E-259-004) 83. 梁韵嘉、羅敏華、古薇涵,“應用和弦搜尋演算法於團隊越野競賽問題之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 84. Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Chia-Yun Tien,
“Variable Neighborhood Search for Multi-Objective Parallel Machine Scheduling
Problems,” Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on
Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2009), July 20-28, 2009, Kunming, China, pp. 519-522. (won the
Best Paper Award issued by the 8th International Conference
on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2009) 85.
Yun-Chia Liang, Zu-Hsu Lee, and Chuang-Lung Chan, “Ant Colony
Optimization for Permutation Flowshop On-Line Due-Date Scheduling Problem,”
Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Information and
Management Sciences (IMS 2009), July 20-28, 2009, Kunming, China, pp. 364-367. 86. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam
Suganthan, Quan-Ke Pan, and Yun-Chia Liang, “A Differential
Evolution Algorithm with Variable Parameter Search for Real-Parameter
Continuous Function Optimization,” Proceedings of the 2009 Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC’09), May 18-21, 2009, Trondhelm, Norway, pp.
1247-1254. 2008 87. 梁韵嘉、高淑娟、莊佳穎,“應用變動鄰域搜尋法於資源分配問題之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 88.
Vincent C. Li, Yun-Chia Liang,
Huan-Fu Chang, “Solving
Multidimensional Knapsack Problem with Generalized Upper Bound Constraints by
the Adaptive Memory Projection Method,” 中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 89. Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen, and Nan-Chi Kuo,
“Variable Neighborhood Search for Multi-Objective Project Portfolio Selection
Problem,” Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering &
Management System Conference (APIEMS 2008), December 3-5, 2008, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 1746-1752. 90. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for Single
Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem with Sequence Dependent Setup
Times,” Proceedings of the 2008 Congress on Evolutionary Computation
(CEC’08), June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong, pp. 2618-2625. 91. Quan-Ke Pan, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan,
M. Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia Liang, “Upper Bounds on
Taillard’s Benchmark Suite for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with
Makespan Criterion,” Proceedings of the 2008 Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC’08), June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong, pp. 2960-2966. 2007 92. Yun-Chia Liang and Chia-Yun Tien, “A Variable Neighborhood
Search Algorithm for Bi-Objective Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem,”
Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management
System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (APIEMS & CIIE
Conference 2007), December 9-12, 2007, Kaohsiung, paper ID 836. 93. Yun-Chia Liang and Min-Hua Lo, “Solving Multi-Objective
Redundancy Allocation Problem Using Randomized Variable Neighborhood Search,”
Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management
System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (APIEMS & CIIE
Conference 2007), December 9-12, 2007, Kaohsiung, paper ID 837. 94. Yun-Chia Liang, Zu-Hsu Lee, and Yu-Sheng Chen, “Ant Colony
Optimization for Single Machine On-Line Due-Date Scheduling Problem,”
Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management
System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (APIEMS & CIIE
Conference 2007), December 9-12, 2007, Kaohsiung, paper ID 840. 95. 梁韵嘉、方楠、廖緹瑄,“運用資料包絡分析法探討TFT-LCD供應商績效評估”,第四屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2007年作業研究理論與實務學術研討會論文集, 96. 梁韵嘉、羅敏華、劉宜婷、張閎翔,“應用蟻群最佳化演算法於團隊越野競賽問題之研究”,第四屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2007年作業研究理論與實務學術研討會論文集, 97. 梁韵嘉、羅敏華、簡士超、康添啟,“變動鄰域搜尋法求解越野賽跑問題”,第四屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2007年作業研究理論與實務學術研討會論文集, 98. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam
Suganthan, Quan-Ke Pan, and Yun-Chia Liang, “A Genetic
Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem,” Proceedings of the
2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’07), September 25-28, 2007,
Singapore, pp. 2382-2389. 99. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the
Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem,” Proceedings of the Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference 2007 (GECCO’07), July 7-11, 2007, London,
England, UK, pp. 126-133. 100. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, Ponnuthurai
Nagaratnam Suganthan and Yun-Chia Liang, “A Discrete
Differential Evolution Algorithm for the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem
with Total Flowtime Criterion,” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CI-Sched 2007), April 1-5, 2007,
Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 251-258. 101. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, Yun-Chia
Liang and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, “A Discrete Differential
Evolution Algorithm for the Total Earliness and Tardiness Penalties with a
Common Due Date on a Single-Machine,” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium
on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CI-Sched 2007), April 1-5, 2007,
Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 271-278. 102. Nan Fang, Yun-Chia Liang, and
Shinn Sun, “A New Development Model: SBM-Additive Context-Dependent Data
Envelopment Analysis,” Proceedings of the International MultiConference of
Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007 - 2007 IAENG International Conference
on Operations Research (IMECS2007-ICOR), March 21-23, 2007, Hong Kong, pp.
2279-2284. (won the Certificate of Merit (student) for the 2007 IAENG
International Conference on Operations Research) 103. Yun-Chia Liang, Yueh-Chuan Yin, and Angela H.L. Chen,
“Multilevel Thresholding Using Ant Colony Optimization,” Proceedings of the
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007 - the
2007 IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering (IMECS2007-ICIE),
March 21-23, 2007, Hong Kong, pp. 1848-1853. 2006 104. 梁韵嘉、田佳芸、陳煜昇,“變動鄰域搜尋法於雙目標平行機台排程問題之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 105. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the
Permutation Flowshop Sequencing Problem with Makespan Criterion,” Research
and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII: Proceedings of AI-2006, the
Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, December 11-13, 2006, Cambridge, UK,
pp. 19-31. 106. Yun-Chia Liang and Yu-Ming Hsiao, “A Multiple Ant Colony
Optimization Algorithm for a Bi-Objective Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem
in Taiwan PCB Industries,” 第三屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2006年作業研究理論與實務學術研討會論文集,中華民國九十五年十一月十八日,桃園縣,元智大學,ORSTW074。 (NSC 94-2213-E-155-008) 107. Yun-Chia Liang and Min-Hua Lo, “Maximize System Reliability
of Redundancy Allocation Problems Using a Variable Neighborhood Algorithm,”
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial
Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice (IJIE2006), October 24-27,
2006, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 1362-1367. (NSC 95-2221-E-155-046) 108. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Single
Machine Total Earliness and Tardiness Problem with a Common Due Date,”
Proceedings of the 2006 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’06), July
16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 3281-3288. 109. Yun-Chia Liang, Alice E. Smith, and Chi-Ru Hung, “Ant Colony
Optimization for Bi-Objective Single Machine Scheduling,” Proceedings of the
36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial
Engineering (CIE2006), June 21-23, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2816-2827. (NSC
94-2213-E-155-008) 110. 梁韵嘉、蕭裕民,“蟻群最佳化演算法於多目標平行機台排程問題之研究”,第二屆管理知識與技術提升學術研討會論文集, 111. 梁韵嘉、蕭裕民,“完全相同平行機台排程問題派工法則之探討”,2006前瞻經營管理學術與實務研討會論文集, 2005 112. 梁韵嘉、楊政霖、魏世旻,“利用類神經網路於印刷電路板銷售量預測之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 113. Quan-Ke Pan, M. Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the
No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Makespan Criterion,” Proceedings of
the 24th Annual Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special
Interest Group (PlanSIG 2005), December 15-16, 2005, City University, London,
UK, pp. 34-43. 114. Yun-Chia Liang and Jou-Chun Chen, “Parallel Machine Makespan
Minimization Using Ant Colony Optimization,” Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM
2005), December 15-17, 2005, Bali, Indonesia, pp. J1-J7. (NSC
93-2213-E-155-021) 115. Yun-Chia Liang and Yi-Ching Chen, “Variable Neighbourhood
Search for Redundancy Allocation Problem with System Cost Minimization
Objective,” Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Network for Quality (ANQ)
Congress & the 19th Asia Quality Symposium (AQS), September
20-23, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 393-399. 116. Yun-Chia Liang and Yi-Ching Chen, “Redundancy Allocation of
Series-Parallel Systems Using a Variable Neighbourhood Search Algorithm,”
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quality and
Reliability (ICQR2005), August 9-11, 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 595-604.
(Invited to submit for the special issue of Reliability Engineering and
System Safety) 117. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang,
Gunes Gencyilmaz, and Ipek Eker, “Particle Swarm Optimization and
Differential Evolution Algorithms for Continuous Optimization Problems,”
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, June 19-22, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1869-1874. 118. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Mehmet Sevkli, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Gunes Gencyilmaz, “A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
for the Quadratic Assignment Problem,” Proceedings of the 35th
International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 19-22,
2005, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1875-1880. 119. 梁韵嘉、洪琦茹,“單機排程問題派工法則之探討”,2005產業管理創新研討會論文集, 2004 120. 梁韵嘉、吳承宗,“應用模擬方法於印刷電路板生產排程影響因素之研究”,中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會暨學術研討會論文集, 121. Yun-Chia Liang, Shu-Kai S. Fan, and Chia-Chuan Wu, “A
Variable Neighborhood Descent Heuristic for Redundancy Allocation Problems,”
Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and
Management Systems Conference 2004 (APIEMS 2004), December 12-15, 2004, Gold
Coast, Australia, pp. 27.4.1-27.4.11. (Invited to submit for Industrial
Engineering and Management Systems) 122. Yun-Chia Liang, Angela H.L. Chen, Wen-Ching Kao, and
Chiuh-Cheng Chyu, “An Ant Colony Approach to Resource-Constrained Project
Scheduling Problems,” Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004 (APIEMS 2004),
December 12-15, 2004, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 31.5.1-31.5.10. 123. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang,
Mehmet Sevkli, and Gunes Gencyilmaz, “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
for Makespan and Maximum Lateness Minimization in Permutation Flowshop
Sequencing Problem,” Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2004), September 6-8,
2004, Sakarya, Turkey, pp. 431-441. (Invited to submit for the special issue
of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing) 124. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang,
Mehmet Sevkli, and Gunes Gencyilmaz, “Differential Evolution Algorithm for
Permutation Flowshop Sequencing Problem with Makespan Criterion,” Proceedings
of the 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing
Systems (IMS 2004), September 6-8, 2004, Sakarya, Turkey, pp. 442-452.
(Invited to submit for the special issue of International Journal of
Production Research) 125. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Mehmet Sevkli, Yun-Chia
Liang, and Gunes Gencyilmaz, “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
for Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem,” Proceedings of the 2004
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’04), June 20-23, 2004, Portland,
Oregon, pp. 1412-1419. 126. 陳香伶、梁韵嘉、劉永裕、林昆霖,“餐飲服務作業系統的模擬與分析:以麥當勞速食連鎖企業為例”,2004管理思潮理論暨實務研討會論文集, 2003
and before 127. 羅敏華、梁韵嘉,“蟻群最佳化演算法於載重與距離限制之車輛途程問題的研究”,中國工業工程協會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會學生專題論文競賽研究所組佳作, 128. Yun-Chia Liang, Min-Hua Lo, and Angela H.L. Chen, “An Ant
Colony Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem under Distance and Capacity
Constraints,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual International
Conference on Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice
(IJIE2003), November 10-12, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 600-605. 129. 梁韵嘉、高秀梅,“蟻群演算法於硬性時窗車輛途程問題之探討”,第一屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會論文集, 130. Yu-Chen Huang, Zen-Shan Her, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “Redundancy Allocation Using Meta-Heuristics,” Proceedings of
the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Management System (APIEMS 2002), December 18-20, 2002, Taipei, pp. 1758-1761.
131. Yun-Chia Liang, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, and Alice E. Smith,
“Meta Heuristics for the Orienteering Problem,” Proceedings of the 2002
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'02), May 12-17, 2002, Honolulu,
Hawaii, pp. 384-389. 132. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith, “Ant Colony Optimization
for Constrained Combinatorial Problems,” Proceedings of the 5th
Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications
and Practice, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2000, ID 296. (won the best student paper
award) 133. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith, “Ant Systems and
Redundancy Allocation,” Proceedings of the 9th Annual Industrial Engineering
Research Conference (IERC'00), May 21-23, 2000, Cleveland, Ohio. 134. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith, “An Ant System Approach to
Redundancy Allocation Problem,” INFORMS Fall 1999 Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 135. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith, “An Ant System Approach to
Redundancy Allocation,” Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, Washington D.C., IEEE, pp. 1478-1484. C. 專書及專書論文 (Books & Others) 1. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, Ponnuthurai
Nagaratnam Suganthan, Yun-Chia Liang, and Tay-Jin Chua,
“Metaheuristics for Common Due Date Total Earliness and Tardiness Single
Machine Scheduling Problem,” In U. K. Chakraborty (ed.) Computational
Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop Scheduling, Springer Series: Studies
in Computational Intelligence, vol. 230, September 2009, pp. 301-340.
(ISBN 978-3-642-02835-9) 2. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang,
Quan-Ke Pan, and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, “Chapter 6 Discrete/Binary
Approach,” In G. C. Onwubolu and E. Davendra (eds.) Differential
Evolution: A Handbook for Global Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization,
Springer Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 175,
January 2009, pp. 139-162. (ISBN 978-3-540-92150-9) 3. M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang,
Quan-Ke Pan, and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, “A Modified Discrete
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman
Problem,” In F. Greco (ed.) Travelling Salesman Problem, ARS
Publishing, I-Tech, Vienna, September 2008, pp. 97-116. (ISBN 978-953- 4. Yun-Chia Liang and Alice E. Smith, “The Ant Colony Paradigm
for Reliability Systems Design,” In G. Levitin (ed.) Computational
Intelligence in Reliability Engineering, Springer Series: Studies in
Computational Intelligence, vol. 40, 2007, pp. 1 – 20. 5. Yun-Chia Liang, “Ant Colony Optimization Approach to
Combinatorial Problems,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Industrial and
Systems Engineering, Auburn University, December 2001. D. 技術報告 (Technical Reports) 1. Alice E. Smith, David W. Coit, and Yun-Chia
Liang, “A Neural Network Approach to Condition Based Maintenance:
Case Study of Airport Ground Transportation Vehicles,” Rutgers University IE
Working Paper 03-117, 2003. E. 研究計畫 (NSC, MOST Projects & Others) 1. 居家醫療服務調度問題之研究(NSTC113-2221-E-155-044-MY3) (113/8-116/7) (主持人) 2. 科技部學門主題式計畫-具虛實整合之自主管理智慧控制系統-以化纖廠之公用設施為例 (3/3) (NSTC112-2221-E-155-001) (112/8-113/7) (共同主持人) 3. 亞東紀念醫院院內醫療廢棄物即時監測與清運排程之先期研究(FEMH-YZU-2023-010) (112/2-112/9) (主持人) 4. 醫療廢棄物自動偵測與蒐集排程之研究 (MOST111-2221-E-155-026-MY2) (111/8-113/7) (主持人) (工業工程與管理學門成果發表會成果海報優等獎) 5. 科技部學門主題式計畫-具虛實整合之自主管理智慧控制系統-以化纖廠之公用設施為例 (2/3) (MOST111-2221-E-155-048) (111/8-112/7) (共同主持人) 6. 經濟部智慧機械產學接軌計畫-場域數位助理開發產學合作計畫 (111/1-111/11) (協同主持人) 7. 科技部學門主題式計畫-具虛實整合之自主管理智慧控制系統-以化纖廠之公用設施為例 (1/3) (MOST110-2221-E-155-061) (110/8-111/7) (共同主持人) 8. 遠東新世紀產學合作計畫-品牌需求預測之研究 (110/2-111/1) (主持人) 9. 鵬鼎科技-元智大學大數據聯合研發中心計畫 (110/1-110/12) (共同主持人) 10. 經濟部智慧機械產學接軌計畫-場域數位轉型人才培訓產學合作計畫 (110/1-110/11) (協同主持人) 11. 經濟部智慧機械產學接軌計畫-精實智能管理人才培訓產學合作計畫 (109/3-109/11) (協同主持人) 12. 鵬鼎控股產學合作計畫-智慧製造大數據分析 (108/10-109/9) (IE部分負責人暨專案主持人) 13. 科技部整合型計畫-建構智慧城市之智慧物聯網(AIOT)雲端整合平台及其應用:子計畫一智慧電網架構下之電力規劃、需量反應自動排程與虛擬電廠之研究 (MOST108-2221-E-155-008-MY3) (108/8-111/7) (主持人) 14. 經濟部智慧機械人才培育計畫-元智工管先進營產學合作計畫
(108/3-108/11) (協同主持人) 15. Smart Coffee Bean Selector Model (RD1070292,
Sponsored by Lenovo & Intel) (107/10-108/9) (主持人) 16. 新生兒哭聲之分析與識別研究 (FEMH-YZU-2018-010) (107/10-108/9) (主持人) 17. 遠東先進專題研究計畫 (RD1070399) (107/8-108/7) (主持人) 18. 整合深度學習、萬用啟發式演算法、視覺化工具之物聯網應用-以早期預警監測系統之開發為例(I) (MOST107-2221-E-155-043) (107/8-108/7) (主持人) (工業工程與管理學門成果發表會成果海報優等獎) 19. 科技部提升私校研發能量專案計畫-智能健康照護系統之開發-以高齡者與亞健康者為主要族群 (MOST106-2632-E-155-002) (106/8-107/7) (主持人) 20. 天然災害之早期監測與預警系統之發展-基於物聯網概念(I) (MOST106-2221-E-155-025) (106/8-107/7) (主持人) 21. 科技部智慧網實系統(CPS)平台架構技術研發與應用驗證計畫-Roll-to-Roll 製程智能生產-以顯示器偏光片生產為例
(MOST105-2218-E-155-012, MOST106-2218-E-155-002, MOST107-2218-E-155-002) (105/10-108/9)
(協同主持人) (合作廠商:明基材料) 22. 科技部產學合作計畫-組合刀模偏光板裁切計劃之開發
(MOST105-2622-E-155-009-CC3) (105/6-106/5) (主持人) (合作廠商:明基材料) 23. 電力調度多目標決策管理系統之開發-以結合分散式微型電網與集中式大型電網之整合型環境為例 (MOST104-2628-E-155-003-MY2) (104/8-106/7) (主持人) (優秀年輕學者研究計畫) 24. 再生能源分散式電力調度問題之探討(I) (MOST103-2221-E-155-060) (103/8-104/7) (主持人) 25. 校車途程問題之研究-以桃園縣某私立中學為例(NSC102-2815-C-155-016-E)(102/7-103/2) (主持人) (大專生專題研究計劃,指導學生:賴佳玉、劉芝妤) 26. 創新萬用啟發式演算法-病毒最佳化演算法之發展與應用 (NSC100-2628-E-155-004-MY3) (100/8-103/7) (主持人) (優秀年輕學者研究計畫) (invited posters in NSC 成果發表會) 27. 蟻群最佳化之創新應用 - 線上即時排程(I)
(NSC99-2628-E-155-054)(99/8-100/7) (主持人) 28. 應用和諧搜尋演算法於團隊越野競賽問題之研究 (NSC98-2815-C-155-008-E) (97/7-98/2) (主持人) (大專生專題研究計劃,指導學生:古薇涵) 29. 混合式蟻群最佳化演算法於影像分割之應用 (NSC97-2221-E-155-043-MY2) (97/8-99/7) (主持人) 30. 胎心音監視器數據之曲線配適最佳化 (NSC97-2815-C-155-010-E)(97/7-98/2) (主持人) (大專生專題研究計劃,指導學生:李雅婷,黃悅箏,于小軒) 31. 應用蟻群最佳化演算法於多階影像分割之研究 (NSC96-2221-E-155-037) (96/8-97/7) (主持人) (invited poster in NSC 成果發表會) 32. 應用蟻群最佳化演算法於團隊越野競賽問題之研究 (NSC96-2815-C-155-008-E) (96/7-97/2) (主持人) (大專生專題研究計劃,指導學生:劉宜婷,張閎翔) 33. 變動鄰域搜尋法應用於複置配置問題之研究 (NSC 95-2221-E-155-046)
(95/8-96/7) (主持人) 34. 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發 – 總計畫(3/3) (NSC
94-2213-E-155-002) (94/8-95/7) (共同主持人) 35. 印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發 – 子計畫六 : 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發(3/3) (NSC 94-2213-E-155-008) (94/8-95/7) (主持人) 36. 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發 – 總計畫(2/3) (NSC
93-2213-E-155-015) (93/8-94/7) (共同主持人) 37. 印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發 – 子計畫六 : 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發(2/3) (NSC 93-2213-E-155-021) (93/8-94/7) (主持人) 38. 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發 – 總計畫(1/3) (NSC
92-2213-E-155-053) (92/8-93/7) (共同主持人) 39. 印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發 – 子計畫六 : 印刷電路板生產排程決策系統之開發(1/3) (NSC 92-2213-E-155-059) (92/8-93/7) (主持人) (invited presentation in NSC 成果發表會) 40. 教育部顧問室「製商整合科技人才培育先導型計畫」: 電子化供應鏈暨ERP產學合作教育計劃-以TFT-LCD產業為例 (95/1-95/12) (共同主持人) 41. 教育部顧問室「製商整合科技人才培育先導型計畫」: 電子化供應鏈暨ERP產學合作教育計劃-以TFT-LCD產業為例 (94/1-94/12) (共同主持人) 42.
教育部顧問室「製商整合科技教育改進」計畫 : 電子化供應鏈產學合作教育計劃-以印刷電路板業為例 (93/1-93/12) (共同主持人暨聯絡人) 43. 教育部顧問室「製商整合科技教育改進」計畫 : 電子化供應鏈產學合作教育計劃-以印刷電路板業為例 (92/3-92/12) (共同主持人) 44. 經濟部金屬工業研究發展中心學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫「以系統化方式提升真豪國際公司之生產效率」(100/7-100/12)
(主持人) 45. 建教合作計畫:利用科學方法預測國內水泥需求量之研究-亞洲水泥 (96/3-96/11)
(主持人) 46. 遠東集團與元智大學「產學合作先期企業研發專題計畫」:利用類神經網路預測國內水泥需求量之研究-亞洲水泥
(95/9-96/2) (主持人) F. Reviewer of Journals
and Conferences 1. Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica (English
series) 2. Algorithms 3. Applied Mathematical Modeling 4. Applied Soft Computing 5. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM) 6. Asian Journal of Control 7. Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research
(APJOR) 8. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 9. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 10. Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing 11. Computational Intelligence & Neuroscience 12.
& Industrial Engineering (C&IE) 13.
& Operations Research (C&OR) 14.
Dynamics in Nature and Society 15.
Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE) 16.
Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 17.
Optimization 18.
Expert Systems
with Applications 19.
Services and Manufacturing 20.
Computational Intelligence Magazine 21.
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 22. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 24. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering 25. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 26. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics – Part A 27. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics – Part B 28. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics – Part C 29. IIE Transactions 30. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
(IEMS) 31. Information Sciences 32. International Journal of Accounting and Finance
33. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology (IJAMT) 34. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic
Computing (IJAMC) 35. International Journal of Automation and Control
(IJAAC) 36. International Journal of Computational Methods
(IJCM) 37. International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health (IJERPH) 38. International Journal of Information Technology
and Decision Making (IJITDM) 39. International Journal of Lean Enterprise
Research (IJLER) 40. International Journal of Machine Learning and
Cybernetics (IJMLC) 41. International Journal of Precision Engineering
and Manufacturing (JPEM) 42. International Journal of Production Economics
(IJPE) 43. International Journal of Production Research
(IJPR) 44. International Journal of Operations Research
(IJOR) 45. International Journal of Smart Home 46. International Journal of Systems Science 47. International Transactions on Electrical Energy
Systems 48. Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (IJECE) 49. Journal of Artificial Evolution and
Applications 50. Journal of e-Business (JEB) 51. Journal of Heuristics 52. Journal of Hydro-environment Research (JHER) 53. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 54. Journal of Informatics and Electronics 55. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 56. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (JIM) 57. Journal of Management & Systems 58. Journal of Quality 59. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 60. Journal of Risk and Reliability 61. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial
Engineers (JCIIE) 62. Journal of the Operational Research Society of
India (OPSE) 63. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (JZUS) 64. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 65. Pattern Recognition Letters 66. Reliability Engineering and System Safety
(RESS) 67. Sensors 68. Soft Computing 69. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 70. 中原企管評論 71. 交大管理學報 72. 淡大管理研究學報 73. Computational Intelligence in Reliability
Engineering 74. The Handbook of Technology Management 75. Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2000,
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
2017, 2018, 2019) 76.
Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS
2004, 2007, 2008) 77.
The 1st
International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM
2005) 78.
The 36th
International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICCIE 2006) 79.
The 9th
International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC
2006, 2008) 80.
The 2nd International Conference on
Natural Computation (ICNC'06) 81.
International Conference Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA
2006, 2007, 2008, 2012) 82.
International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2007, 2008) 83.
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) 84.
中國工業工程學會97年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE2008) 85.
Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2009, 2011, 2012) 86.
Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2009, 2010,
2012) 87.
The 8th
International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial
Management Applications (CISIM 2009) 88. International
Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and
applications (INISTA 2010) 89. The 21st International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2011) 90.
2013 IEEE
Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2013, 2014) 91.
中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE2015) G. Conference Committee,
Session Chair, Keynote Speaker and Editorial Board 1. The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Management System (APIEMS 2004), Chair of Session
TA2: Scheduling 3 2. The 3rd Asian Network for Quality
(ANQ) Congress & the 19th Asia Quality Symposium (AQS), Chair
of Session B5: Optimization and Quality 4. 中國工業工程學會97年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE2008),
Chair of Session A18: Production Systems Design, Planning and Control (5) 5. 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE2009),
Chair of Session 生產系統A1 6. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Management System (APIEMS 2009), Chair of Session
MA-E1: Algorithm Design and Optimization 7. IIE Asian Conference
2011, Chair of Session 8: Others 8. The 21th International Conference on Flexible
Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2011), Chair of Session: Lean
and Agile Manufacturing 9. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2012), Chair of Session:
Production Planning and Control (3) 10. The 2015 International Congress on Natural
Sciences and Engineering (ICNSE
2015), Chair of Session: Systems and Industrial Engineering (1) 11. 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE2017), Chair
of Session 人工智慧與演算法 (I) &
(II) 12. The 7th Institute of Industrial and
Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia2018) Joint with 2018 Chinese
Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2018), Chair of Session: Big Data Analytics and
Intelligent Computing (1) 13. 第15屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會The 2019
Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW2019), Chair of Session: 決策科學 (III) 14. 2019中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會, Chair of Session: 智慧財產管理與策略2 15. 2019中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Chair of Session: 排程與最佳化II 16. 2019人工智慧與智能製造論壇主題演講人 17. 第16屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會The 2020
Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW2020), Chair of Session: A9 供應鏈管理 18. 2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Chair of Session: 作業研究決策應用II 19. The 13th International Seminar on
Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM2021) Keynote Speaker 20. The 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (APC IEOM 2021) Distinguished Professor Award 21. 2022 6th International Conference on
Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2022), Session Chair: Health
Informatics and Health Care Quality 22. 2022中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Chair of Session: 人工智慧與演算法(2) 23. 2022 China-ASEAN
Smart Manufacturing Frontier Technology Development Forum Keynote Speaker 24. 2023管科會華文商管教育認證(ACCBE)「國際交流與互動經驗分享會」主講人 25. 2024中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Chair of Session: 排程與存貨管理 26. The 2nd International Conference on
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Technology, Innovation, and Management (2nd
ICISETIM 2024) Keynote
Speaker 27. The 7th International Conference
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2007) International Program
Committee 28. The IAENG International Conference on
Operations Research (ICOR, 2007-2023) Program Committee 29. The IAENG International Conference on
Industrial Engineering (ICINDE, 2007-2023) Program Committee 30. International Editorial Board (IEB) of the
special issue of International Journal of Smart Home on “Future Generation
Smart Space” 31. The 8th International Conference
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2008) Program Committee 32. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008
(CEC’08) Technical Committee 33. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2009
(CEC’09) Program Committee 34. The Ninth International Conference on Hybrid
Intelligent Systems (HIS09) Program Committee 35. The First International Congress on
Computational Intelligence in Production Systems (CIPS09) Technical Committee 36. International Symposium of Quality Management
(ISQM’09) Program Committee 37. International Conference on Soft Computing and
Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR2009) International Program Committee 38. The 8th International Conference on
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
(CISIM2009) International Scientific Committee 39. International Conference on Soft Computing and
Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR2010) International Program Committee 40. The 21st International Conference of Flexible
Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2011) Scientific Committee 41. The International Conference on Computational
Intelligence Communication Networks (CICN 2011) Program Committee 42. The 11th International Conference on Hybrid
Intelligent Systems (HIS2011) Program Committee 43. World Congress on Information and Communication
Technologies (WICT2011) International Programme Committee 44. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2012
(CEC’12) Special Session on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Program Committee 45. International Conference on Soft Computing and
Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR2012) International Program Committee 46. The 12th International Conference
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2012) Program Committee 47. The 12th International Conference on
Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS2012) Program Committee 48. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2014
(CEC’14) International Program Committee 49. 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 (The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Operations
Research Society of Taiwan, ORSTW2017) Program Chair 50. 中華民國品質學會第53屆年會暨2017國際品質管理研討會 副主任委員 51. The Sixth International Research Conference on
Systems Engineering and Management Science (IRC-SEMS2018) Conference
Committee 52. International Conference on Advanced Research
in Computational Intelligence and Computing (ICARCIC2018) Technical Program
Committee 53. The 11th International Conference on
Advanced Computational Intelligence Program Committee 54. The 4th International Conference on
Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019) General Chair 55. 108年度科技部工業工程與管理學門專題研究計畫成果發表會 主辦人 56. 2022 International Forum: Navigating the New
Normal Life after COVID-19 Pandemics Program Chair 57. EAI SmartZero City Taipei International Summit
2025 Publicity and Social Media Chair |
美國電機與電子工程師學會-The Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Member, 會員) 2. 中國工業工程協會-Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers
(CIIE) (Lifelong Member, 永久會員) 3. 台灣作業研究會員-Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW)
(Lifelong Member, 永久會員) 4. 國際工程師協會-International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
(Member, 會員) |
獲獎與榮譽-HONOR &
1. 一百一十二年度工業工程與管理學門成果發表會成果海報優等獎 (參與學生:Vanny Minanda) 2. 場域數位助理開發產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第三名 (指導學生:詹易樺、范睿成、呂其勳) 3. 2024 IEOM
Doctoral Dissertation Competition Awards, The 1st Place (Student: Vanny Minanda) 4. 2024第五屆智慧生技創課平台成果發表會優秀論文海報獎第二名(Student: Vanny Minanda,吳姿儀) 5. 2024全國工業工程與管理大學生論文與技術報告競賽技術報告組第一名(指導學生:林育材、郭萬福、劉承翰) 6. 一百一十二學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-產業實務組第一名 (指導學生:林育材、郭萬福、劉承翰),產業實務組佳作 (指導學生:林郭芷均、滕奕彣),應用性實作組佳作 (指導學生:安書懋、陳柏全、嚴曼瑛) 7. 一百一十二學年度工程學院學生專業實習競賽優等(指導學生:林育材、郭萬福、劉承翰),專業實習競賽佳作 (郭芷均、滕奕彣) 8. 2023第四屆智慧生技創課平台成果發表會優秀論文海報獎第六名(Student: Vanny Minanda,吳姿儀) 9. 場域數位助理開發產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第一名 (指導學生:林育材、郭萬福、劉承翰) 10. 一百一十一學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第二名 (指導學生:李沂璇、羅泳霈),應用性實作組佳作 (指導學生:吳若琦、江孟倩、鍾惠捷) 11. 一百一十一學年度工程學院學生專題論文競賽優等 (指導學生:李沂璇、羅泳霈) 12. 場域數位助理開發產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第一名 (指導學生:李沂璇、羅泳霈) 13. 臺北市政府交通局「臺北市交通事故件數及受傷人數上升原因分析及建議」獎勵研究案甲等獎(指導學生:李沂璇、羅泳霈) 14. 2022全國工業工程與管理大學生論文與技術報告競賽技術報告組第三名(指導學生:徐瓵炆、曾渝珊、溫子沅) 15. 一百一十學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組佳作 (指導學生:鍾英壕、何秉叡、林柏承),學術性探討組佳作 (指導學生:劉家羽、林瀚誠) 16. 一百一十學年度工程學院學生專題論文競賽優等 (指導學生:徐瓵炆、曾渝珊、溫子沅) 17. 場域數位轉型人才培訓產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第二名 (指導學生:徐瓵炆、曾渝珊、溫子沅) 18. 2021台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽決策支援與資訊系統應用組第二名(指導學生:林大洋、王楷喻、黃柏翰、葉志容) 19. 2021全國工業工程與管理大學生論文與技術報告競賽技術報告組第一名(指導學生:林大洋、王楷喻、黃柏翰、葉志容) 20. 一百零九學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第一名 (指導學生:林大洋、王楷喻、黃柏翰、葉志容)、佳作 (指導學生:許博雅、高瑋蔆、楊舜雯) 21. 一百零九學年度工程學院學生專題論文競賽特優 (指導學生:林大洋、王楷喻、黃柏翰、葉志容) 22. 精實智能管理人才培訓產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第二名 (指導學生:林大洋、王楷喻、黃柏翰、葉志容)、佳作 (指導學生:許博雅、高瑋蔆、楊舜雯) 23. 一百零八學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組佳作 (指導學生:林玉滋、王芝琳;許哲綸、謝劻叡) 24. 元智工管先進營人才培訓產學合作計畫成果發表競賽佳作 (指導學生:林玉滋、王芝琳;許哲綸、謝劻叡) 25. 中國工業工程學會一百零八年度年會暨學術研討會最佳論文獎 (指導學生:林延宥) 26. 一百零七學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第一名 (指導學生:陳育萱、彭昭揚、林承儀、陳冠廷) 27. 一百零七年度工業工程與管理學門成果發表會成果海報優等獎 (參與學生:Yona Maimury) 28. 一百零六學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-學術性探討組第三名 (指導學生:謝秉軒、林峰吉) 29. 一百零五學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-學術性探討組第二名 (指導學生:蔡慧潔、賴品潔) 30. 一百零五學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第三名 (指導學生:劉定瑜、陳意蓁) 31. 2017台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽佳作 (指導學生:劉定瑜、陳意蓁) 32. 2017全國工業工程與管理大學生論文與技術報告競賽生產系統與規畫組佳作 (指導學生:劉定瑜、陳意蓁) 33. 2017中國工程師學會學生分會全國工程論文競賽工業工程組佳作 (指導學生:劉定瑜、陳意蓁) 34. 一百零五學年度工學院/電通學院學生專題論文競賽優等 (指導學生:劉定瑜、陳意蓁) 35. 2016台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽第一名 (指導學生:劉姵君、謝宗桓) 36. 一百零四學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第二名 (指導學生:施彥池) 37. 一百零四學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-應用性實作組第三名 (指導學生:賴政宇、邱泰翔、謝嘉紘) 38. 科技部102年度大專學生研究計畫創作研究獎 (指導學生:賴佳玉、劉芝妤) 39. 2014全國工業工程與管理大專生專題競賽作業研究組佳作 (指導學生:游承翰、張書豪、蕭任翔) 40. 2014全國工業工程與管理大專生專題競賽作業研究組優等 (指導學生:賴佳玉、劉芝妤) 41. 一百零二學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-學術性探討組第二名 (指導學生:賴佳玉、劉芝妤) 42. 一百零二學年度工學院/電通學院學生專題論文競賽特優 (指導學生:賴佳玉、劉芝妤) 43. 一百零一學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-學術性探討組佳作 (指導學生:史皓文、張捷中、詹簦銀) 44. 2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文競賽優勝 (指導學生:黃仕育) 45. 一百學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專業實習組第一名 (指導學生:林梅婕) 46. 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽優等 (指導學生:李明傑) 47. 2010工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽優勝 (指導學生:張瑜庭、劉佳倩) 48. 2010全國工業工程與管理大專生專題競賽作業研究組佳作 (指導學生:古薇涵) 49. 中國工程師學會學生分會九十八年度全國工程論文競賽佳作 (指導學生:古薇涵) 50. 九十八學年度工管系畢業專題競賽專題研究-學術性探討組第一名 (指導學生:古薇涵) 51. 九十八學年度工學院學生專題論文競賽優等 (指導學生:古薇涵) 52. The Best
Paper Award issued by the
8th International Conference on Information and Management
Sciences (IMS 2009) 53. 中國工程師學會學生分會九十七年度全國工程論文競賽佳作 (指導學生:劉宜婷,張閎翔) 54. 九十六學年度工學院學生專題論文競賽佳作 (指導學生:劉宜婷,張閎翔) 55. Certificate of Merit (student) for the 2007
IAENG International Conference on Operations Research 56. 九十四學年度元智大學輔導傑出獎 57. 中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會學生專題論文競賽研究所組初試入圍 (指導學生:陳怡靜) 58. 九十二學年度工學院學生專題論文競賽佳作 (指導學生:韓竹君,賴怡華,彭曉華) 59. 中國工業工程協會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會學生專題論文競賽研究所組佳作 (指導學生:羅敏華) 60. Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 61. 美國奧本大學校長獎學金 (Presidential Graduate Fellowship, Auburn
University, AL, USA, 2001) 62. 第五屆國際工業工程研討會學生論文首獎 (The 1st Prize of the Student Paper
Competition, the 5th Annual International Conference on
Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications and Practice, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, 2000) 63. 美國作業研究與管理科學學會博士生論壇 (INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium,
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1999) 64. 大同工學院教師計畫獎學金 (Teacher Reserved Scholarship, Tatung
Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 1991-1992) 65. 陳果夫基金會優秀學生獎學金 (Excellent Student Scholarship, Chen Kuo-Fu
Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan, 1991) 66. 嘉新水泥優秀學生獎學金 (Excellent Student
Scholarship, Chia-Shing Cement Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan, 1990) 67. 大同公司優秀學生獎學金 (Excellent Student Scholarship, Tatung
Company, Taipei, Taiwan, 1989-1991) 68. 大同工學院書卷獎 (Book Scholarship Award, Tatung Institute
of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 1989-1992) |