Welcome to the Global Logistics and Innovation Optimization Laboratory!

We develop versatile heuristic algorithms to solve complex optimization problems!

The Global Logistics and Innovation Optimization Laboratory focuses particularly on the design, analysis, and application of optimization algorithms in the following areas: global logistics, supply chain management, vehicle routing, port operations, production scheduling, image processing, reliability system design, portfolio optimization, resource allocation, big data analysis, and performance measurement. Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art personal computers and related software, such as Borland C++ Builder, Visual Studio, MATLAB, CPLEX, Gurobi, NeuralWorks Professional II, eM-Plant, Expert Choice, and others.


  • 恭賀 李沂璇、羅泳霈 榮獲 2022 工程學院學生專題論文競賽優等
  • 恭賀 李沂璇、羅泳霈 榮獲場域數位助理開發產學合作計畫成果發表競賽第一名
  • 恭賀 李沂璇、羅泳霈 榮獲臺北市政府交通局「臺北市交通事故件數及受傷人數上升原因分析及建議」獎勵研究案甲等獎
  • 恭賀 徐瓵炆、曾渝珊、溫子沅 榮獲 2022 全國工業工程與管理大學生論文與技術報告競賽技術報告組第三名